How can you possibly remain silent about this, The Most Important Issue In The World?
None or some of the following might apply to me
You will never know…
Because I am ashamed of my complicity
Because I am totally fine with my complicity
Because I support this but don't want to be seen to do so.
Because I condemn this but don't want to be seen to do so.
Because I am being bullied into keeping silent.
Because I refuse to be bullied into breaking my silence.
Because I am waiting to see which side is winning before throwing my lot in with the winner.
Because I don't understand this.
Because I am ambivalent.
Because I can't decide.
Because I am too busy.
Because I am in too much pain.
Because I don't have the words.
Because I am exhausted.
Because I am overwhelmed.
Because I can't do this anymore.
Because I don't care.
Because I can't be bothered.
Because I don't have a platform.
Because I am too insignificant so it doesn't matter what I say.
Because I am scared.
Because I am a coward.
Because I freeze when pressured to speak.
Because I might not be able to stop once I break my silence.
Because I might lose my job.
Because my family will hate me.
Because my friends will abandon me.
Because no one thinks what I think.
Because I can make more of an impact quietly.
Because silence can be eloquent.
Because fuck performativity.
Because this doesn't really matter.
Because there are more important issues.
Because it’s no one else’s business.
Because I want to keep people guessing.
Because fuck you all.
Just to clarify Keith, are you referring/relating to climate change, Israel/Palestine, both, neither, being human or something completely different? Thank you kind Sir.
Let us all keep Serving and Obeying.
I love this. It's so easy to judge people without a clue what's going on